Issue One; Mighty Meows

Meowth Vs. Garfield

Let the Bizarre Bloodbath begin!

Kahless: Quapla! It's all you can eat night over here, and there's only room for one top cat! Let's get ready to rumble!

Z: Yes, but before the felonious feline challenges the original fat cat for title of "King of the Buffet" we have to listen to our viewers.

Remember, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Lynx says: I think Z's right here, and even if he weren't, Garfield is a classic, that gives him points over Meowth, which he doesn't need anyway, he should win. (That and I've never been a fan of Pokémon)
Editor replies: Z right? Will wonders never cease?

Simon Haisz says: Garfield all the way. I am of course not biased, since I hate Pokemon. The reason is simple. All Pokemon's are stupid. Their intelligence is about as low as Ralph on the Simpsons, if not lower. Garfield on the other hand, can make up cool scheme's just to get food. All you gotta do it tell him that he gets some lasagne if he wins, and he'll kick that Pokemon's ass. (or drop a bomb on him. That still counts as a win : )
Editor replies: Alright, everybody forget that crap about 'nothing nice to say…'

DamieN Brimstone says: Damnit, the first fight, and I can't think of one freakin intelligent thing to say. Oh well, when in need, I'll just borrow the Sacred Chant the CBUB board

Editor replies: Hey, works for me!

Vadakhan says: No beats up garfield except the nieghborhood pitbull, so the pitbull comes in and takes out the pokemon then procedes to pummel Garfield. but not so much that he can't do it again tommorow.
Editor replies: Too true, heehee.

Eivind Krokeide says: This is is going to be so COOL.
Editor replies: I so hope that's not sarcasm…

David f Stack says: Garfield is going to win. and down with anime
Editor replies: Is it just me or is this a biased crowd? Maybe a little.

Skunk says: What the hell is a meowth? And BTW, Garfield is so damn cool that he'll wipe the floor with that pokemon with his coolness beam....(I don't think that made any sense and it probably wasn't funny anyway......)
Editor replies: Well put. Just goes to show that the original fat cat has popularity going for him

Andrew Lakin says: Garfield, hands down. This flabby tabby is smarter and a lot more agile than he seems.

Thunderbolt GARFIELD ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Editor must say: This? After saying Meowth doesn't have the popularity or respect he deserves over ICQ?

Kahless: Well, whatever idiot said "be nice or don't say anything at all" has been rightfully ignored.

Z: And overwhelming Garfield support too! See, told ya!

Kahless: Do not push your luck.

Z: It's started! Meowth and Garfield start packing away food from opposite ends of the restaurant!

Kahless: Meowth is shoveling in food at about the rate of 9 pounds a second, but Garfield is easily more than doubling that speed!

Z: Naturally, Garfield is a classic and has been chowing down for decades longer than any Pokemon will!

Kahless: They're at the same table now, headed for each other, but they don't seem to see each other just yet!

Z: They grab the same drumstick simultaneously! They see each other and are playing tug-of war with it!

Meowth: Hand it over tubby!

Garfield: First of all, NEVER!! Secondly, watch who you call tubby!

Kahless: Garfield stomped on Meowth's foot! He's hopping up and down frantically and Garfield starts finishing off the last of the food!

Z: Hey! Garfield's still on his foot! Meowth is still trying to hop away, ouch! Meowth goes down and starts trying to pull his foot out!

Kahless: Garfield is taking his time, leaving Meowth to suffer with a crushed foot! Wait, what's that?

Z: Meowth has pulled out a car jack to move Garfield's foot!

Kahless: Garfield is mad! I think Meowth just struck a nerve! Garfield swings at Meowth, but the Pokemon rolls away having gotten his foot free.

Z: Meowth is hopping up and down clutching his foot, which is huge and pulsating red. That has got to be painful.

Kahless: Oh yes, a multi-ton can standing on your foot is not a good thing. Garfield is just laughing, maybe he doesn't expect Meowth to retaliate?

Z: Oof! Dust to the face! Meowth uses an old dirty trick and has Garfield on the ropes! The flabby tabby is trying to rub it out, and Meowth fury-swipes him!

Kahless: Garfield falls back with multiple scratches, he's starting to blink his eyes open, and Meowth nails him with his fists and a barrage of scratch attacks!

Z: FIGHT YOU FAT PIECE OF….LARD!!! Don't let that Pokemon beat you!! No! Garfield's crashing into the table…which breaks…now he's just lying there…Garfield looks helpless!

Kahless: Meowth gloats a moment, and now he's moving in for the kill! He springs into action opening his mouth wide for a bite attack!


Z: Alright! Garfield picked up a large plate and shoved it in Meowth's throat! Not edge-wise either!

Kahless: Meowth staggers back, his mouth still outlining the metal plate, look! Garfield's gotten a soup ladle, what for? He's pulling it back, and he smacks the plate in Meowth's mouth! It clangs like a gong and Meowth is vibrating viciously all over the place!

Z: Meowth stops vibrating and spits the plate out, but Garfield's not making the same mistake twice! He's all over Meowth like a hurricane on southern Florida!

Kahless: Garfield lays into Meowth with a barrage of nasty punches and kicks, but he's already slowing down! That lack of exercise is showing, Garfield is now just standing there panting, trying to catch his breath!

Z: No! Meowth's back on the offensive! He's clawing, kicking and biting Garfield, sending him reeling back! Garfield falls to the ground exhausted! What's Meowth doing?

Kahless: He's hopped up onto a table and…..oh no….he's going to do that pro-wrestling drop move thingy…

Z: ELBOW DROP!!! Meowth's sailing towards Garfield….


Kahless: Meowth bounces harmlessly off Garfield's gut and is sailing up to the ceiling!


Z: Ouch! Meowth is embedded in the ceiling! He's starting to peel himself off…

Kahless: Garfield has opened his eyes again, he sees Meowth! Meowth comes loose, aiming himself right for Garfield's head! Garfield's trying to move, Meowth has his toe-claws out…

Z: OUCH!! Garfield doesn't pull away in time and is flipped over by the force of Meowth's impact! He has gouges in his face and is barely moving! Meowth gets up, and he's kicking Garfield!

Kahless: He picks Garfield up and starts slapping him silly! He's propping Garfield up…

Z: and Meowth is going for a flying jump-kick! He smacks Garfield and sends him flying!


Kahless: Garfield hits the ground HARD, barely conscience, but he sees something…

Z: What is it!?!? WHAT IS IT!?!?!

Kahless: I can't see….

Final Vote:

Meowth: 7
Garfield: 12
Both die: 6

Z: and Kahless: It's an uneaten pan of lasagna!

Z: Garfield's eating it? He's done, licking his lips, and….WHOAH!!!

Kahless: YIPE!! Garfield has just hulked (or would that be 'bulked'?) out!

Z: Meowth's just as shocked as we are! He's babbling incoherently! Garfield smacks him across the side of the head sending Meowth spinning around in a mini-tornado!

Kahless: Meowth goes around and around and around, *superfast* and-around-and-around-and-around. *eyes spinning in circles* faster and faster and faster!!! *drops over, eyes spinning randomly*

Z: *eyes spinning too* Whoah! Garfield catches Meowth! Turns him upside down and starts smashing his head into the floor repeatedly!

Kahless: *picking himself up* Garfield crashes him to the floor one last time, and……he's flexing? And waving to the audience…

Z: Garfield's got Meowth by the tail and is spinning the little cat pokemon around his head at incredible speeds!!

Kahless: And he lets go, sending Meowth into orbit! We have a winner, and now Galactic Anarchy's unofficial mascot to make it offical!

Godzilla: ROOAAR!!! *holds up Garfield's paw* ROAR!! *pushes button*

Auto voice: DING DING!!! THE WINNER!!!

Kahless: That was some fight! Let's just hope the next one is just as exciting!
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