Enterprise E Vs. The Excalibur

Let the Bizarre Bloodbath begin!

Kahless: We have a stupendous battle for you here tonight!

Z: Yes, the controversy will soon be ended! The ISA's biggest and baddest against Star Fleet's biggest and baddest ship!

Kahless: Truly an event to shake the cosmos itself, this is the stuff flamewars are made of! Just mention this topic and you'll start fistfights.

Z: Let's get ready to rumble!!! Time for the slew of heated voter comments that would undoubtedly come from such a battle!!

Lynx: As I don't follow ST or B5, my opinion is purely taste and based on nothing technical, however as I dislike ST but have nothing against B5, the Excalibur has my vote. (Sorry, Z.)

Philip Davidson: The E-E in a heartbeat. The holo battle is no contest(beam torps onto bridge). The Excalibur has to recharge after firing the big gun but the E-E can keep pumping quantums. And the kobiashi maru can't be won so it is moot question.

Skunk: No Comment.

Kahless: God that was disappointing…

Z: Tell me about it! My self-esteem is ruined for life. We're not good enough to hear what you think about this fight…

Kahless: I'm sure if other commentators did this their fans would pour their hearts out on this matter…

Z and Kahless: *sniffle…sniffle*

Kahless: Anyway…on to the contest…first up is a race.

Z: The E-E and Excalibur are on the start line, engines revving.

Kahless: And there's the flag! They're off! Heading for the FTL entry point!

Z: They look perfectly matched for sublight speeds, neither is passing the other.

Kahless: They hit the FTL point at the exact same moment, the Enterprise disappears at maximum warp just as a jumpgate opens! The Excalibur is in hyperspace now.

Z: That's quite a trip they're taking, let's go to a commercial.

This is Wally's Weapon World, here for your destructive needs! Minbari slicers, Romulan disrupters, Federation Quantum Torpedoes, Tactical Nukes, you name it Wally's got it! We offer reasonable rates, you mercenaries won't find more affordable weaponry than we have! Wally personally guarantees all of his weapons, so order now! We sell to everybody, no questions asked, so come on in and buy, buy, buy!!

Kahless: We're back. The Excalibur comes out of hyperspace and crosses the finish line, and the E-E comes out of warp just a second later! The Excalibur has FTL speed superiority.

Z: Drat. Now on to the nearly kobiashi maru situation. They are faced with heading for a distress signal only to find the ship disappeared and three enemy warships.

Kahless: Excalibur first, 3 Dominion battle cruisers! They're firing, Excalibur is returning fire…The lead Dominion ship is weakening…And it goes down!

Z: But so does the Excalibur, too bad, now on to the E-E. Three Imperial Star Destroyers! The Enterprise is fighting them…

Kahless: It doesn't look to be doing any better than the Excalibur… Wait, time-travel! They've gotten the damaged ship in a cargo bay and warp out just before the Imperial Star Destroyers show up!

Z: One to One. Now for the target-destroying competition. Drahk, Jem'Hedar and various Imperial fighters will be the cannon fodder for two minutes. The ship with the most kills wins.


Kahless: And dozens of ships fill the area! The E's waste no time! The Enterprise E slashes wings of TIEs apart with its phasers and kills multiple Jem'Hedar and Drahk fighters with rapid-torpedo fire!

Z: The Excalibur is lighting up the scene too! Firing all dozen Minbari slicers, it's raking up its own awesome score!

Kahless: A few seconds of phaser fire tears apart the larger fighters and the Enterprise is using torpedoes to slag entire TIE wings with a single shot!

Z: The Excalibur is sweeping its beams all over the place!

Kahless: Both ships have massive kill counts and the timer is running down…what's that? The Excalibur is powering up the main gun!


Z: Whoa…There's no kill like overkill! What's the count?

Kahless: The Enterprise has destroyed 8 Jem'Hedar ships and 6 Drahk, also a total of 67 TIEs.
Whilst the Excalibur has Destroyed 7 Jem'Hedar ships, 9 Drahk, and 103 TIEs.

Z: The Excalibur wins this round.

Kahless: All that's left is for them to fight each other. A moment while they prepare the holodecks.

There are a few boring minutes in which Z tries to kill Kahless once, and Kahless fortunately doesn’t notice.

Kahless: We're back just in time! The ships are powering up and headed for each other! The Enterprise warp-jumps behind the Excalibur and opens fire!

Z: The Enterprise is firing and turning so the front faces the Excalibur…now the Enterprise is making a strafing run over the Excalibur.

Kahless: The Excalibur is well over twice as long as the Enterprise, but that gives the Enterprise a maneuverability edge! They're both firing everything they've got into each other!

Z: The phasers aren't doing much damage…

Kahless: But the hull is massively cracked from torpedo fire! The Enterprise is using phasers on the damaged areas and continuing to pound it with Quantum Torpedoes!

Z: The Excalibur is turning on jump engines! Oh no!!

Kahless: The Enterprise warped away and left a few presents! Quantum torpedoes to the thrusters!

Z: Ha! That'll show those B5'ers some pretty colors!

Kahless: The Enterprise is back and the Excalibur is turning to face it! It's charging the main gun!

Z: Oooh…big gun…*drools*

Kahless: The Enterprise avoids almost half the blast! It's in bad shape but the Quantum torpedoes are still on line and the Excalibur is powerless!

Quantum Torpedoes: BAM!! BAM!! BOOM!! POW!!! KA-BOOM!!!

Z: And that's the end of that.

Kahless: Only…we need a tie-breaker!


Kahless: No pun intended. Anyway, the Excalibur is faster and better against multiple small targets, but the Enterprise has better weaponry and is better against large targets. It's also a lot more flexible. Now, how do we break this tie?

Z: Captain fistfight!!!

Kahless: Good idea!

Z: YIPPEEE!!! *snaps fingers*

Kahless: Ok, there are the captains. Z just told them to fight. They're in battle-ready stance…sizing each other up…

Final Vote:

Enterprise E: 6
Excalibur: 4

Kahless: Ooh! Picard reflected light off his head and blinded Captain Mathew!! Picard decks him out! The winner is TREK!!

Z with some pals: WHOO-WHOO-WHOO-WHOO!!!!!

Kahless: Come, let us go have bloodwine and get drunk as hell!

Z and pals: YAY!!! WHOO-WHOO-WHOO-WHOO!!!!!

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