Issue Eight; Sith Showdown

Vader vs. Maul

Let the Bizarre Bloodbath begin!

Kahless: The Sith Showdown, time to see which is the badder baddie, the (not so) good, old fashioned Darth or the new high budget one!

Z: *singing* Pretty colors! Pretty colors! Slice and dice! Kill and maim! It's all good fun!

Kahless: Hmm…the lyrics aren't bad, but lose the cutesy tune.

Z: Aww…but that's half the fun!

Kahless: Just…do the viewer thing…

Russ: Vader is gonna win it of course. He lasted 3 movies and many battles (heck, he's been turned into a technological marvel from all the battles). Darth Maul lasted 1 movie and had like 3 lines if dialect. And he didn't have any plastic parts. LOL!

DamieN Brimstone: I see Vader as being the clear victor hear. Sure, he can't move as fast a Maul, and maybe his lightsabre isn't as big, but it doesn't matter. Darth Vader is far more adept with his Force powers, and less overconfident. Hell, Maul will be lucky if he can even get close enough to try any kung-fu lightstaff moves while Vader is reading his thoughts, choking the life out of him, throwing every thing in the room at him and just generally laying the smackdown on him. Never underestimate that that Dark Side Mojo, and Vader is the master of it.

D.Merzel: Maul Vs Vader? You're Kidding right? right?
Maul, kills 1 jedi master, gets killed by young kenobi, double bladed light saber seems to have a problem with body peircing.
Vader, Kills older and more powerful kenobi after surviving battles against him. Wins indi 500 equivilent when 9 years old, destroys interstellar battle ship when 9 years old. Does a good job of prime ministering a galaxy with an iron fist, has the exeuctor, can choke people with the force, WILL DESTROY THE JEDI COUNCIL, has the fear and respect of his subordinates, has subordinates. Has deflected laser bolts with bare hands. classic light sabre, More stylish robes.
Aside from these vader is also the most powerful force weilder in existance (at least untill his children), maul can move single objects in combat, vader can move multiple obhests. Vader walks in, and 'forces' maul through the nearest mountain, He doesnt even need hands (force levitation of the light sabre) GO VADER.
(I hope i wasent too partisan)

Predator: This is how I see the battle...........Oh who am I kidding, it's not like my comment is going to be printed anyway. >:(
Editor: There! I printed it anyway, how do you feel now? Next time go ahead and send in an opinion! You never know unless you try!

Skunk: Well, Maul would kick his ass, but Vader really is a bigger bad-ass.

Daki: Break it down....Darth Maul was beaten by Obi-wan Kenobi. Obi-wan Kenobi was beaten by Darth Vader. Pretty straight forward.
Still don't believe me? Well, Vader assisted the Emperor in hunting down and destroying the Jedi Knights. Darth Maul couldn't even help take over some small little planet in the middle of nowhere.
I do believe Vader has the experience and technique advantage here.

Lynx: Ok, another fight that needs to be broken down.
1) Apparent Talent: Maul wins this hands down. That duel in the movie was no less than spectacular, and he was shown to have control over the force when he opened the door with the hurled debris. While this may not be spectacular, Vader has never been seen to use the Force in anything other than widespread blasts of debris, akin to a windstorm, which shows less control.
2) Other Factors: Budget. Lucas had better technology and more money for TPM than ANH, TESB or ROTJ. Also of note is that Vader is supposedly the single strongest person in the Force. The combination easily evens the playing field, if not going beyond that.
3) Non-Talent Factors: Vader has armor. It will stop glancing blows. His helmet is also equiped with vision enhancers, so his visibility will be better than that of Maul, regardless of the situation. On the other hand, Maul has a double bladed saber, which, as seen against Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, is a large advantage.
4) Overall: I think that Vader can take Maul. Plus, he has points for being the original, and is just plain a 'better villain'.

Z: Whoo…too much thinking…brain overloading! Eject! Eject!!

Plink! Flip! FWOOP! Ding! Scamper-scamper!

Thunderbolt: …that…was…

Kahless: Hulluva freaky…Z's head popped open, a little thing jumped out, parachuted down and ran off….

Thunderbolt: Will Z be able to commentate? Ack! The thing is back!

Thunderbolt shoots at the thing like nuts and misses every time, it uses a ladder to get up to Z's head and dump some water into his head, some steam comes up and Z starts moving again. It hops back in and Z's head closes up.

Thunderbolt: Damn this is a strange universe…

Kahless: …uh…huh…anyway, on to our battle…

Z: you've got that cool death battleground right?

Kahless: Yep, all sorts of automated traps and stuff. Should be interesting.

Thunderbolt: But won't all that force stuff keep them safe?

Z: party pooper.

Kahless: Our two contestants are coming into opposite sides of the arena. They force-sense each other and move in.

Z: Maul does a fancy flip avoiding some spinning saw blades!

Thunderbolt: Vader levitates over a spike pit that opened up.

Kahless: Vader must have a fix on Darth Maul, he's doing the force choke now!

Z: Maul seems to be doing something too…he seems to be fighting the force choke?

Thunderbolt: It's not enough to stop Vader though! It's just limiting the effects!

Kahless: Maul is making impressive speed, trying to get Vader in melee range!

Z: Well…that two sided lightsaber looks incredibly clumsy….

Kahless: So does a Bat'leth. Maul's almost on top of Vader, literally! He's perched on a wall beside Vader, he's gonna jump!

Z: Two massive blades come out of the walls to chop Vader in half!

Kahless: Vader blocks them and sends them flying at Darth Maul! Maul flips over them and the blades embed themselves in the wall!

Thunderbolt: Maul whips out the dual sided lightsaber and with some fancy spinning comes barreling towards Vader!

Kahless: Vader coolly puts his lightsaber out and blocks! Maul spins around, Vader blocks again! Maul spins again slashing at Vader's feet, Vader jumps out of the way and brings his own lightsaber down! Maul parries and spins about again! His back is towards Vader and he slashes his lightsaber to his side/back, Vader blocks! Maul continues to twirl his lightsaber behind him trying to hit Vader! Vader uses a force blast and Maul rolls forward!

Z: He jumps up…and up…

Kahless: Maul lands behind Vader and swings his lightsaber down on the helmeted one! Vader blocks again, and spins around to face Maul! Maul ducks down for a leg-sweep, and Vader just barely dodges! Maul's still stooped low, he swings his lightsaber over his head and Vader moves to the side just in time!

Z: And just to make things interesting the walls open up in auto-weapons fire!

Kahless: The Sith lords block all the shots nicely even sending a few towards the other! Some ricochet shots take out the auto weapons, and Maul attacks Vader again!

Thunderbolt: Dang Maul is fast!!

Kahless: Vader is definitely on the defensive! It's taking everything he's got just to keep Maul at bay! Maul cuts Vader's lightsaber handle!! Vader's shocked and Maul kicks him to the ground! Maul is getting ready to administer the finishing touches!

Z: Vader's just looking at his busted lightsaber and Maul is spinning around showin' off his moves!

Final Vote:

Darth Vader:: 11
Darth Maul: 4

Kahless: OOF!! Maul wasn't being careful and he sliced himself in half!!

Darth Maul: You'd be surprised how much this hurts no matter how many times you do it…

Darth Vader: I can imagine.

Kahless: Vader has won by default! Although I think a rematch is in order, Vader could have won without the technicality.

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